In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service you have received from us, please see our complaints procedure below.
Most complaints can be dealt with informally by contacting the relevant Hallmark Properties office and speaking to one of our team.
Where this is not the case, and you are not satisfied that the matter has been resolved, you can make a formal complaint as set out below.
Step 1
Please write to our Customer Service Department at The Hallmark Property Partnership Limited, Mottram House, 43 Greek Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 8AX setting out the nature of your complaint.
We aim to acknowledge your complaint within five working days and respond within 15 working days.
Step 2
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with our response, you can escalate your complaint to the Managing Director by writing to him at Mottram House, 43 Greek Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 8AX. Clear details of the reason why you are dissatisfied with the response and any other supportive evidence should be provided. It is important that we receive all formal complaints in writing so that we can keep an accurate record of your concerns and ensure that all matters raised are responded to. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within five working days and respond within 15 working days.